How often do you have questions that go unanswered due to lack of technical understanding of law? Questions of logic used in a judgment, or inquiries about civic sense or simply, what does this legal term mean?

You may be doing everything necessary to be a law abiding citizen and yet, sometimes the law can catch you off guard! Many of us don't know certain basic rules or we understand them only generally, For example, we don't need to see a written law to know, that it's a crime to murder someone, but have you ever thought, that there could be certain exemptions that could make killing someone not a punishable crime? Ofcourse I don't intend to promote murders, but only to ensure that if push comes to shove you'll be aware of your rights and duties. They say that "knowing is half the battle" and "knowledge is power." so, isn't it a good idea for everyone to understand atleast the basic rights & duties we possess being the citizens of this country.

Would it interest you, to read short articles explaining legal concepts and addressing your queries in the simplest possible way?

Well, wonder no more, "The Naïve queries" are here to fetch answers for all such questions about law. The intention is not to teach 'Law' but to discuss basic concepts which every citizen should ideally know about.

'The Naïve Queries' is a short weekly article addressing basic doubts about law. Understanding Law can be complex but remember wise men say, there's no such thing as a stupid question, as long as it comes from a curious mind!

So do reach out to Adv. Sayali Sawant with your queries at the Facebook page of The Naïve Queries at

And Read on to Enquire, Enjoy, and Empower with these Naïve queries!

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